
YOG Tertiary Insights and Uni Catch Ups

On Friday 24 May 2024 (between 8.15am and 10.00am) we are looking to once again host YOG Tertiary Insights. This provides our Year 12s with the opportunity to share conversations with various YOGs currently studying at university, or following different pathways, whilst the students are in the midst of considering their tertiary preferences.

Year 12 students will be able to select from various faculties and can attend two different sessions. Each faculty room will be set up to include three or four YOGs currently studying various courses at different universities in those subject areas. We will also include some alternative pathways for life after Yarra.  These will be smaller group discussions with individual YOGs to gain a better understanding into these pathways.

Following our YOG Tertiary Insights event, some of our YOGs are able to host students on campus at their respective universities for YOG Uni Catch Ups (YUCUs). This simply involves a couple of students meeting up with the YOGs on campus so they can have a bit of a look around and share their advice and knowledge of campus life. In 2024, this will occur between Monday 1 July and Friday 12 July 2024.

If you would like to express interest in helping us with YOG Tertiary Insights and/or YOG Uni Catch Ups, please fill out our short online form HERE.

Please click below to view the full gallery from our 2023 YOG Tertiary Insights inaugural event:

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