
Generosity for Yarra's Future

Recently the School undertook some community consultations to understand what is important to our community and to explore and discuss a vision for Yarra and our community in our Centenary year in 2066. Workshops were held with students, staff and parents including both Yarra Old Grammarians (YOG) and past parents. The resulting Yarra @ 2066 vision forms the crux of what the Yarra Foundation is working towards.

The Yarra Foundation is promoting  generosity for Yarra's future so that this vision can be achieved. We need to ensure that Yarra keeps pace in a rapidly changing world. We want the School to remain as contemporary as it is today, and into the future.

Making contributions to the Yarra Foundation via our Voluntary Term Giving initiative is always greatly appreciated. Your donations accumulate and once you reach $1,000  provide bronze membership. Become a part of our actively philanthropic School community. We need you to help us realise our vision, Yarra @ 2066.

Kind regards,

Gary Pratt
Volunteer President, Yarra Foundation

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